Buingo Joseph

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Hello there, I'm Joseph.

JavaScript FullStack Developer, Freelancer, and Football Player.

I can help you building products, features due to my ability to convert any project ideas to a useful software.

Seeking to be inspired, to envision the unlikely, to work hard for things that worth it, and to be sourrounded by those who bring out the best in me and those who wanna make this world a better place.

  • Birthday: 24 Avril 1999
  • Phone: +243 96 75 57 645
  • City: Goma/Nork-Kivu
  • Degree: Bachelor/CS
  • Email: drack.sir01@gmail.com
  • Freelance: Available
View CV


During high school, university and solo working time, I developed different skills related to software engineering as listed below

HTML 90%
CSS 80%
JavaScript 75%
Git and Github85%
Reactjs 50%
TypeScript 60%
Angular 60%
Redux/Ngrx 75%
Node/Expressjs 85%



Buingo Joseph

Innovative and deadline-driven FullStack Web Developer with 1+ year of experience developing stable and scalable software solutions from initial to final concept, polish deliverable.
Responsible, detailed-oriented, and growth mindset are the top facts that best define my aptitude towards my engagement(s).
Looking for an entry to work as a Remote or Freelancer Engineer, bringing proven ability to confortably develop and create towards a plan for the purpose of giving my hand for the achievement of the company's objectives.


Bachelor Degree in Computer Science

2018 - 2021

Universite Libre De Kigali, Rwanda

  • I learned Data Structure and Algorithms
  • I learned Networking
  • I learned some stuffs related to data analysis and Computer Vision
  • I learned some programming languages including C programming, C++, Java, PHP.
  • I learned Maths including Statistics, Calculus 1 & 2, Discrete Math.

High School Diploma & Fiancial Studies

2012 - 2017

Institut Moria, DRC

  • I learned Financial and Accounting theories and techniques
  • I learned entrepreneurship

Professional Experience


2020 - Present


  • Since most of my Freelancing projects are covered by the clause of No-disclosure Agreement (NDA), I'm not allowed to list either my clients nor my Freelancing projects

Internship at CRES UJUZI

October 2021 - November 2021

CRES UJUZI is a training school in DRC, Nork-kivu Province, C.Karisimbi, ULPGL

  • I learned great team work skills and how to deal newbies when it comes to new technologies.
  • I learned how to approach new stuffs by using different reseach techniques.


January 2022 - Avril 2022

Microverse is an online Software Engineering School that teaches Soft and Technical skills to get a well paid job in the industry.

  • Learning how to work in a diverse team world wide by being as Professional as possible.
  • I spent 8 hours everyday from Monday to Friday coding different great coding partners either by doing pair programming or working on solo activities. This is experience helped me to develop my communication and team work skills.
  • I learn that timely and good is great that perfect and late. This citation used me to follow stricly deadlines reserved for projects to get done.
  • Created 3+ projects including a Portfolio, Book Store, with a custom API, To Do App with Vanilla Javascript, and more.


  • All
  • Web
  • API


Below are the list of services I offer:

Frontend Development

I designed Frontend Applications using the traditional way (HTML + CSS & Frameworks + Vanilla JS) and modern way using Angular and Reactjs

Backend Development

I implement Backend applications such as APIs using Node/Express, Node/Nestjs, PHP, MongoDB, Postgres and MySQL/SQL by following some of the famous design principles as REST


I provide some advices and technical/Professional helps such as strategy, design, building, and sometimes implementation of software that solves business problems.


I would like to hear from you


Goma, Nork-Kivu Province, C.Karisimbi, Q.Katindo


+243 97 65 57 645